Youth Exchange Report - Lake Elsinore, California 2015-16
Mes premiers trois mois en Californie étaient géniaux!
Le 7 aout, après un vol très long et fatiguant, je suis enfin arrivée à Los Angeles. Ma mère et sœur d’accueil m’ont souhaité la bienvenue en Californie. Dès le premier soir, elles m’ont dévoilées la culture culinaire américaine, en m’invitant au restaurant Fast Foot « In n Out ».
Après que j’ai dormi tout le samedi pour me remettre du Jetlag, ma mère d’accueil (qui fait partie du club Rotary) et moi-même ont été invités par mon club d’accueil Moreno Valley Morning. C’était mon premier barbecue américain et j’ai fait connaissance des membres du club et quelques membres du club Interact de mon école.
La majorité des américains est très sympathique et ouvert. Ils s’intéressent réellement pour mon pays et notre culture et ils me posent beaucoup de questions (Ils ont été tout étonnés quand je leurs ai expliqué que „French Fries“ seraient une invention belge et non américaine, ...).
J’ai passé mon premier jour d’école le mercredi suivant et je me suis très bien adaptée. Vu que ma mère d’accueil est aussi mon institutrice d’espagnol, elle m’a beaucoup aidé en me présentant à quelques élevés. Ceci m’a vraiment facilitée mon début scolaire.
Les meetings de mon club d’accueil se déroulent tous les jeudis, une heure avant que l’école ne commence.
J’ai fait connaissance de toute ma famille d’accueil le samedi suivant, quand ont à passer une journée à la mer à Los Angeles. On a vécu une journée super plaisante.
Quelques membres de mon club Rotary mon emmenée vers la fin du mois à Cananea au Mexique. Le club épaule un orphelinat dans cette ville. Un de leurs nombreux projets. L’accueil des mexicains était chaleureux.
Toutes les connaissances que j’ai pu faire pendant ce Week-End, m’ont démontré à quel point il est important que des organisations, tel que Rotary s’occupe de personnes nécessitantes et ce dans toutes les domaines. L’aide peut guider ces Hommes à ce lancer sur un chemin les emportant vers un avenir meilleur.
À plusieurs reprises, j’ai constatée à quel point il est important de coopérer pour faciliter la vie d’autres sans, par la même occasion vouloir tirer profit de la situation, mais uniquement pour la satisfaction de dénicher un petit sourire sur les lèvres d’une personne reconnaissante.
Je me souviens souvent de ce Week-End. J’ai eu la chance de découvrir l’idée de base derrière des organisations telles que Rotary.
Je me suis inscrite au team de basketball de mon école. On s’entraine trois fois par semaine et notre saison a commence en novembre. Je fais aussi partie du ASB Leadership, un cours dans lequel nous planifions tous les manifestations de l’année scolaire.
J’ai aussi passée des weekends inoubliables en compagnie d’autres étudiants d’échange de SCANEX. En plus, en compagnie de mes amies d’école (Vista del Lago High School), j’ai « célébrée » la fête d’Halloween, participée à la dance du Homecoming et visitée beaucoup de match de football américain.
Pour les prochains mois, je me prépare à vivre beaucoup de nouvelles expériences et activités enrichissantes.
Meilleurs salutations de Californie,
Das letzte halbe Jahr verging wie im Flug. Weihnachten habe ich in meiner Gastfamilie genossen, auch wenn es etwas merkwürdig war in strahlendem Sonnenschein unterm Tannenbaum zu sitzen. Im Januar habe ich zu meiner zweiten Gastfamilie gewechselt. Sie wohnten näher zu meiner Schule, und somit auch näher zu meinen Freunden. Es war ein älteres Ehepaar, die einen süßen Hund besaßen. Meine zweite Gastmutter ist, wie meine erste, im Rotary Club von Moreno Valley. Sie hat jeden Abend gut und richtig gekocht und einige Missverständnisse unter uns waren schnell geklärt. Ende April sollte ich zu einer dritten Gastfamilie wechseln, da dies aber dann nicht wegen familiärer Probleme ihrerseits nicht funktionierte, bin ich wieder bei meiner ersten Gastfamilie eingezogen. Es hat mich richtig gefreut, da sie eine richtige Familie für mich sind. Meine Gastmutter hat am 4. Juni eine Geburtstagsparty für mich organisiert und ich freue mich immer, wenn uns andere Familienmitglieder besuchen kommen.
In der Schule habe ich Freitagmittags in unserem ASB Student Store „gearbeitet“ und meine Basketball Saison hat auch richtig angefangen, es war eine coole Erfahrung! Im Januar bin ich zum Winter Formal Ball und gegen Ende April zum Prom am Newport Beach gegangen, es war toll. Diesen Mittwoch darf ich an der Graduation Ceremony teilnehmen, ein Diplom werde ich jedoch nicht bekommen.
Während den Osterferien sind mich meine Eltern besuchen gekommen und wir sind durch San Diego, Phoenix, Flagstaff, dem Grand Canyon, dem Hoover Dam und Las Vegas gereist.
Nach ihrem Besuch bin ich zum Rotary Jugendcamp RYLA gegangen, und da es mich so begeistert hat durfte ich ein Guide oder „Leider“ für das Camp PRYDE der Mittelschul-kids sein, es war eine der besten Erfahrungen die ich während meines Austauschjahres machen durfte! Beim Relay-for-Life bin ich mit Mitgliedern des Interact Clubs die ganze Nacht um ein Football Feld gegangen, 21 Meilen (+/- 33 km)bin ich zum Wohle der Krebskranken gelaufen und es hat eine Menge Spaß gemacht. Erfahrungen wie diese machen mir immer wieder bewusst wie sehr Rotary das Wohl Andere, ärmerer und jüngerer Menschen am Herzen liegt, da wir auch an vielen anderen Service Projekten teilgenommen haben. Das Motto „Service above Self“ wird hier wortwörtlich und aktiv gelebt. Mit meinem Interact Club habe ich auch andere Sachen gemacht, wir waren zur Peace Conference in Ontario und haben, nebst Community Clean Ups, ein Senior Spaghetti Diner und Community Easter Egg Hunt organisiert. Unser Banquet am Ende des Jahres war sehr lustig und traurig zugleich. Ich durfte über meine Erfahrungen während des Schuljahres reden und habe ein „Sash“ (Schärpe) für die High-School Diplomverleihung bekommen.
Mit den anderen Austauschschülern habe ich mich in Big Bear (Ort in den Bergen) und in Camarillo (bei Santa Barbara) getroffen. Ich war auch einige individuell besuchen (in Temecula oder in Coronado, San Diego). Nächsten Montag geht unsere große Reise los. Wir treffen uns in LA, und fahren mit dem Zug nach San Franzisco, Seattle, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, New York, Boston, New Orleans und Chicago (es kann sein, dass ich einige Städte vergessen habe). Wir werden einen Monat unterwegs sein und am 25. Juli geht es (leider) für mich zurück nach Belgien.
September - a lot happened this month. I saw my first baseball game, I went to Oklahoma, we had our first exchange-student-weekend in Topeka and I finally moved.
First of, Angela Dailey took me to her stables and I was allowed to ride a horse. It was literally a wonderful experience again, because I miss my horses a lot. I really like her and her daughter, we have a great connection, especially because of the horses. They invited me to come over anytime again. The rest of the weekend I was at the Beck's house. Monday after this weekend, Robert came from Gardner to have the conversation with my first host family and me. It was really hard for me to talk about everything and I am so thankful that he guided me through this. After that he brought me to my home and I started moving all my things in. The week was nice, we had some tennis matches. On the weekend we went to Oklahoma for Labor day, Lake Eufaula. We came back early tho, because David's mum wasn't doing well at all. Sadly she passed away on Labor day. So I guess that explains the following week. Everybody was grieving and on Friday was the funeral/memorial in Kansas City. On the afternoon, all exchange students came to my house and it was the best weekend in the US so far. We had a bonfire every night, Saturday we went to visit the capitol and we saw my school and the equality house. After that we went to the Huff'n'Puff hot air balloon festival. The next day we went to Lakeview Club and had a boat ride, tubing included. After that it was time to say goodbye - very sad.
The next week was different again. David and Lynnette went to California to a convention. So I had to go to my second host family. I honestly was feeling really bad about this, because I just moved in and a lot of things were going on, like I could never settle down completely. But anyway, Monday night David brought me to the Penningtons - BTW, I was sick. It was good to be there for a week, because I could see what i'd be like to live with them. On the other hand, being sick was really bad. On Wednesday we had a tennis tournament the whole day. On Saturday we went to Wamego, because they had a ballet performance. On Sunday David picked me up again. This day, Lynnette and me went shopping - it was amazing. I really love her.
The week after this was a "normal" week again. Nothing fancy happened, except a tennis tournament again, and me finishing my arts drawing. And guess what, its gonna be hung in the gallery to be shown on the first Friday arts walk.
This weekend, we're having a weekend again, all the exchange students come together and we're going to worlds of fun. I honestly can't wait to see them all again, we're just a little big family.
This month ended with Lynnette’s birthday on September 29th and started with my birthday, October 2nd. It was kind of a big deal because I turned 18. Back home you become officially an adult, you can vote, drive cars, drink strong alcohol, sign things by yourself and do whatever you want to do because you’re responsible for yourself.
The day itself was Homecoming, so school was shortened. We had a parade going on with the AFS club. I got cookies from my arts teacher! After school my Rotary buddie Klara came over to Topeka and we hung out for a while. We went to the football game together, my buddie Nina came over as well. It was my first football game, so it was quite overwhelming. After all it was really nice, my family here in Topeka made the day better than I expected it to be.
When I woke up, I came into the kitchen and Lynnette and David got me a few presents - I never expected to get anything, I didn’t ask for it, because I get enough from them everyday!
They were little things that I was talking about, it was such a nice gesture because I know that they listen and know what I like.
My family back home sent me a package too, but it came in a full week later.
Anyway, saturday my exchange family and em got together to celebrate. We went to the renaissance festival. It was pretty dang cool! Spending time with them was all I wished for my birthday.
After we came home, we just sat down and ate, had fun and talked. I went up to my room to change and suddenly Bogi covered my eyes and brought me downstairs, it was all dark and they lit candles on a cake, were singing Happy Birthday and popped confetti shooters.
As I cut up the cake, my Belgian flag showed up on the inside, Bogi, Lena and Bogi’s sister did it for me. It was the best thing EVER!!! They told me to eat a huge piece, but suddenly Riccardo smashed the piece in my face, it was hilarious and the first time this ever happened to me.
I got presents from the whole family, it was just amazing.
We went outside and made a bonfire, we took my guitar and just had an awesome time. Afterwards we watched American Pie. The next morning we ate Brunch and everyone went home. It was way better than I ever expected it to be.
After this, October went by pretty fast. Bogi, Lena and me met up one weekend in Gardner. We went to a Jeremy Loops concert in Lawrence. It was in a bar, the Bottleneck. It was almost like back home, where I always went to concerts.
The week was pretty short because there was no school on Thursday and Friday. Friday we went to Ottawa for Rotary social weekend. We helped out in Prairie Paws animal shelter.
November - a month of change.
First of there was not a lot happening in school, only a lot of homework. Lynnette's best friend from California came, it was very nice to meet her and spend time with her and Lynnette. In the mid of November then, we heard the bad news. Kevin was being sent home. We never really found out the reasons why, but I guess that's all we get and I'm OK with it. On November 18th then, we all went to his house to say goodbye (actually we wanted to go to the airport but his flight was delayed). It was pretty awkward but I think we all needed to say goodbye to close this chapter, in the end he'll always be a part of our family. We all had tons of fun with him and it's sad to see him go. But life continues, and so comes that Thanksgiving break was just around the corner. We had a break from November 25th until November 29th. For Thanksgiving, the Penningtons came over to my house and we all ate together. I made Belgian fries and mousse au chocolat. It was nice, but Thanksgiving made me very homesick, but not only Thanksgiving itself, also that I would have to change families one day later. I was extremely scared and so jealous of the students in my district that only have one family. It was really hard for me to leave. In the end I left home on Saturday because it was very icy outside on Friday. Joe took me to the chocolate Nutrcacker, a really weird theater. I would've rather stood in my room and be by myself but I guess I didn't want to say no. The first weekend was rough but I haven't had any time to think about home, because the week after auditions for the musical started. And that's how my November ended.
On the 1st the auditions for Seussical the Musical started. I was really nervouse but I had so much fun. The first day was the vocal audition, the second day was the choreography and the third day were callbacks. I got one. In the end I made it into the role of a birdgirl. Pretty cool, I’ll wear a fancy costume and I’m a storyteller of the musical, that means I’m a principle and I have quite a lot to sing and especially dance, we’re from the jungle and dance very sassy, a lot of salsa and character. The week after the rehearsals started. It was nice to be distracted and have stuff to do after school. But after a few days it got really exhausting.
On the 4th we met at Sara’s home to celebrate her birthday, we went bowling and watched movies at her house. It was very nice again! After that everyone went to Roberts house on Saturday. I went home tho, because it was my winter formal. It was a blast, I went with two friends of mine. It was different to the dance back home but it was lots of fun. My host family bought me a dress the same day in KC at Nordstroms. They’re crazy!!!
On the Friday after, I went to a concert in Kansas City. One of my favorite Bands, The 1975, came to town!!! They’re from England and touring in EUrope at the moment. I was so sad when I found that out and when I saw that they’d come to KC I was so happy. It was my best night here so far. It was amazing, my first time to see them live in concert. I loved every second of it. I live for music and back home I went to concerts so often, my parents let me go anywhere, mostly on my own or with friends. Here it is different, people don’t want me to go alone anywhere and I feel so not independent. But Bess and Joe are really open minded and I got to go with Lena. After that we met at Roberts house for a Rotary weekend, the Outbound interviews and the Christmas weekend. It was really nice, the ice skating, the secret Santa and meeting the Outbounds.
The week after this were finals. I was really glad when it all was over because I really needed a break. My family danced in the Nutcracker, so I helped out backstage the 19th and 20th. On the night of the 20th we drove to the airport in KC and spent the night there, because we would leave for Burbank CA, Los Angeles in the morning, around 3. Yes, that’s right, we went to Los Angeles. It was simply amazing. We first flew to Las Vegas and took another plane to Burbank. The first day we just relaxed and Joe and me ran around north Hollywood. The day after we went to Universal, where we had a VIP pass. That means that we had a huge tour through the Studios, displays, amazing gourmet food, quick passes all day and we saw stuff I would’ve never seen. It was an amazing experience, I even met the Grinch. I know, WHAAAAT? The next day then, we left for Anaheim, Disneyland. We were staying at the California Hotel in Disney. We spent 2 days there, the 23rd and 24th, we left on the 25th. On Christmas eve we ate in a restaurant that seemed like we were in a night in New Orleans. It was magic. I love Disneyland, even tho there are way too many children and strollers. We met so many princesses and drove cool roller coasters. I guess Rose and me did all the rides we could!It was amazing. The last night we even got VIP seats for the firework show in front of the castle, because Rose and me were being silly and e security guy saw us. He thought we were having way too much fun and told us a secret password. It was a wonderful Christmas miracle. The next day in the morning, we left for Los Angeles again. We went to the Star Wars premiere in the El Capitan. It was AMAZING. Afterwards we went to eat in a Deli. The next day Bess, Rose and me went for a shopping trip on Melrose. We went to the DASH store (from the Kardashians) and just strolled through the stores. it was pretty cool. Afterwards we had to leave for the airport again. I had an amazing time in Los Angeles. My favorite part tho, was when Tim (Joes brother) took me to the Hollywood Hills at night, because it was my dream to see the city lights at night. My favorite band, 30 Seconds to Mars has tons of music videos Over the city lights, and I wanted to experience it by myself. It was breathtaking. I never saw anything like that before. A dream became true and I was so glad I could experience that.
When we came back, the Sunday, we celebrated Christmas at home. It was CRAZY. My family treats me like one of them, I got so many presents. My stocking was filled with make up, sweets, soaps, ITunes cards, perfume, brushes, all that kind of crazy stuff. I got a polaroid camera ( I always wanted to have on but couldn’t afford), I don’t know how Bess knew but she got us both one! Then I got a ton of Lush products, make up, Ugg Boots, a USC shirt, socks, tooooons of stuff. It is crazy. Back home we get a few presents, and here it was like waow, so many things. It was just so nice to see that they really enjoyed having me and seeing me as a part of the family, they grow on me more and more every day.
For New Years Eve, Vale and Elisa came over. We went to a Japanese food place and we watched movies and counted down at midnight, while watching the fireworks. It was a nice start into the new year! I simply love my girls.
Schon 5 Monate als Rotary Austausschüler in Mexiko
Heute vor genau 5 Monate habe ich mich von Familie und Freunden für 10 Monate verabschiedet! Am 13. August hat mein Rotary Austauschjahr begonnen und seit diesem Tag lebe ich in Mexiko mit einer mexikanischen Familie und Freunde ,die am ersten Tag und in den ersten Wochen, fremde Menschen für mich waren. Es ist unglaublich wie schnell man sich in einem fremden Ort wohl fühlen kann und wie schnell Fremde für einen wie eine zweite Familie werden können! Es fällt mir schwer mir vorzustellen, dass ich jetzt schon die hälfte meinem Abenteuer umhabe, denn meine Zeit hier in Mexiko verläuft so schnell!
Ich habe bis jetzt tolle Leute kennengelernt nicht nur aus Mexiko aber auch aus der ganzen Welt! Dank der Herzlichkeit und Neugier der Mexikaner viel es mir auch nicht schwer mich in der Uni zu integrieren. Diese liegt nur 5 Minuten von meinem Haus doch beginnt leider schon um 7 Uhr morgens. Ich studiere mit ungefähr 50 Anderen in meinem alter Sprachen. Ich habe somit Täglich 2 Stunden Englischunterricht und noch weitere Fächer in Englisch. Zweimal in der Woche besuche ich einen Spanisch Unterricht mit 15 anderen Rotary Austauschschülern aus meiner Stadt. Dieser Kurz hat mir besonders in diesen 5 Monaten sehr viel geholfen denn ich sprach kein Wort Spanisch. Heute kann ich mich mit meinen mexikanischen Freunden verständigen und kann mich mit meiner Familie den ganzen Tag in Spanisch unterhalten. Meine Familie und ganz besonders meine Gastmutter hat auch sehr viel zu meinen Spanischkenntnissen beigetragen! Sie ist immer sehr geduldig und erklärt mir auch ruhig manche Sachen 5 Mal bis ich sie verstehe. Ich bin so dankbar in so einer netten und warmherzigen Familie wohnen zu dürfen. Besonders dankbar bin ich aber für Maya, meine neue mexikanische Mama. Sie unterstützt mich eigentlich bei allem, lässt mich viel unternehmen und zeigt mir viele Wunderschöne Plätze in Mexiko. Ich habe sie ganz besonders lieb gewonnen in dieser Zeit.
Meine Gastfamilie gibt sein bestes um mir so viele Orte wie Möglich zu zeigen. Sie unternehmen Tagesausflüge mit mir in denen ich sehr viel enddecken kann : Valle de Bravo, Malinalco, Tenango und Teotihuancan mit seinen alten Pyramiden, Mexiko City, Dolores Hidalgo, Ixtapan de la Sal, el Nuevo de Toluca, los vinedos la Rodonda, la Pena de Benal,…
Über Weihnachten war ich mit einer meiner besten mexikanischen Freundin und ihre Familie eine Wochen in Acapulco, einer wunderschönen Stadt an der westlichen Küste von Mexiko. Bei 30 grad habe ich also an Heiligabend meine Geschenke ausgepackt und versucht die Weihnachtsstimmung zu spüren. Heiligabend, Weihnachten und Neue Jahr waren bis jetzt glaube ich die schwierigsten Tage in meinem Austausch doch dank dieser netten Menschen die aus diesem Jahr das Beste für machen wollen, waren dann auch diese Tage am Ende noch wunderschön!
Ich freue mich jetzt auf meine bevorstehenden 5 Monate in denen ich sehr viel vor habe wie zum Beispiel eine 2 wöchige Reise entlang der Ostküsste Mexikos, einem Coldplay und MaroonV Konzert mit Freunden aus der Schule, einen Umzug in eine neue Familie,…
Ich bin unglaublich glücklich und dankbar diese Chance bekommen zu haben! Ich hätte mir dieses Jahr nicht besser vorstellen könne! Vielen Dank an euch für eure Unterstützung einen meiner Träume zu erfüllen!
Liebe Grüße aus Mexiko und bis in 5 Monaten,